Enterprise Coach Mastercamp

The Integral Sensemaking & Action™ Approach to Agile Transformation

When we coach teams, the basic distinctions of teaching/mentoring and professional coaching/facilitation (embodied in the ICAgile learning objectives from the original ACI Coach Competency Model) are powerful and sufficient. As we move from coaching teams to coaching organizations in Agile Transformations, however, everything changes: the stakes, the complexity, and the competencies required of us. This passage into the larger organizational sphere is not merely a matter of “scaling”.... Such complexity requires not just a new set of parameters; it requires, in fact, a whole new range of epistemologies--ways of knowing and perspective-taking--as well as a whole new level of ontological complexity--new, more complex ways of being in the world. It takes a different relationship between mind, heart and spirit.

In the "Enterprise Coach Mastercamp: The Integral Sensemaking & Action™ Approach to Agile Transformation", you will gain key skills and knowledge necessary to facilitate and catalyze organizational change. The Integral approach (detailed in Spayd's book Agile Transformation) develops both individual and collective sensemaking, and offers practices and action-orientations that us to lead dynamical change. Along the way, you will experience a significant shift in your own inner capacity for meaning-making, and in your personal capability to leaderfully catalyze change in complex, ever-demanding environments. In this way, the course is both highly informative and personally transformative.

Virtual Format/Schedule:  This virtual workshop takes place over five days, three in the first week, plus two days in the second week. The Mastercamp is capped by a 3-hour follow-up session, held approximately 2 weeks after Day 5 -- all on Zoom.

Our Approach

Mastercamp is designed to help you expand into these enterprise coach competencies, oriented around an advanced set of distinctions founded on an integrated approach we call Integral Sensemaking and Action™. This new approach draws deeply from both Spayd's work (Agile Transformation: Using the Integral Agile Transformation Framework to Think and Lead Differently), Glenda Eoyang’s complexity science work with the Human Systems Dynamics Institute, and other sensemaking and action orientations.

Four core ways of knowing -- or epistemologies -- each grounded in a particular practice discipline, distinguish this framework:

Phenomenology: a way of knowing based on an acute observation of our subjective experience, including beliefs, feelings, and subtle thought sequences, and relying on the categories and process of deep inner meaning-making that help us make sense of our world.

Systemic Phenomenology: applies a similar understanding to the intersubjective experience of being-in-relationship and being a member of various systems. We examine the values, perspectives and common constraints of our shared relationship consciousness, what makes relationships satisfying and generative, and how to distinguish our systemic from our individual consciousness.

Empiricism: the 'scientific method' applies to observable and measurable phenomena such as behaviors, actions, practices and results. This way of knowing is through observable and repeatable experiments, and action cycles. This way of knowing tends to be elevated in the business and scientific world as the only valid way of knowing (whereas from an Integral perspective, each of the four epistemologies are partial but complementary).

Complexity: applies to much of what we experience in a VUCA world, in which it is difficult, if not impossible, to discern linear causality. It points to phenomena that can be difficult to account for from the perspective of classical (Newtonian) physics and traditional organizational and management theory, requiring an entirely new, more highly dimensional explanatory framework. A prime skill here is systems thinking.

Finally, a deeper understanding of sensemaking -- in ourselves and in others -- is essential, as we activate deep competence and capability across these four epistemologies, if we are to master the dynamics of self-organized systems, and to effectively lead in the arena of transformative change.

Journey of the Course

The underlying structure of the course is designed to facilitate the learning process on both the informing and transforming fronts.

We begin by considering the nature of Complexity, how complex adaptive systems manifest in the human social and organizational context, and the repercussions that has on organizational structures, policies and emergent systemic effects (including our own mind). As we do so, we start to see that in order to leaderfully perform in the face of such Complexity, we will need to be Complex ourselves, which becomes the focus as we continue on the journey of the course: what is the nature of the inner meaning-making that determines how we are able to be in the world, and how can we shift that meaning-making toward one with greater nuance, complexity, and equanimity?

From here, we move into the territory of Relationship and Culture, deepening our capacity for relationship intelligence and uncovering the nature of shared consciousness. Through real-time experiential activities, we will activate within us a greater ability to see the human systems around us, to help others see them, and to grow our collective capacity for deeper relationship intelligence.

Finally, we will synthesize a new orientation for business results based on complex adaptive action. What is the attitude we must adopt, given the world's complexity, and how can we frame -- and practically realize -- a deeper and more sustainable capacity to achieve business outcomes in an unpredictable and complex world?

Daily Agenda

Day 1 - Provides an overview of the Integral Sensemaking and Action framework, as well as briefly covering the four epistemologies, deliberate sensemaking, and adaptive change. We will explore a case study to ground ourselves in the major issues in an Agile Transformation and the dilemmas associated with them, including the change process itself. The need for the four epistemologies and an understanding of our individual and collective sensemaking embedded within a change intention, will gradually become evident. We come away from Day 1 (like an overture to the full opera) with a clear sense of class themes, and a beginning understanding of how the distinctions of the course map to the practical day-to-day concerns which we face.

Day 2 - We move into the realm of Complexity and the Integral Discipline of Evolving Adaptive Architectures. We look at insights from the study of complex adaptive systems, quantum physics, Human Systems Dynamics, and systems thinking to understand the organizational limitations of using a "predict-and-plan" mindset in a "sense-and-respond" world. Transformation topics include: organizational structure, organizational design, Lean, value streams, scaling, and performance management and other systems. We come away from Day 2 with a far deeper understanding and appreciation for the nature of Complexity, and how we might leverage that understanding in our role as Enterprise Transformation Agents.

Day 3 - Next we move into the realm of individual consciousness and mindsets, using the Integral Discipline of Evolving Consciousness, and how this shapes leadership. With a focus on ourselves and our own capacity for leadership, we explore developmental models, the deep architecture of meaning making (underlying beliefs, assumptions, and theories about our world), practices to develop our meaning-making, and ways to work with and develop other leaders. We come away from Day 3 with a new way of seeing ourselves, and with a deep insight into what it means to be “Self-Authoring” and how such a stance can empower our leadership.

Day 4 - From individual consciousness we move into the realm of group or systemic consciousness (Integral Discipline: Evolving Systemic Consciousness). Exploring the concept of relationship systems, we tackle the difficult issue of existing and desired organizational culture, working with executive teams, engaging leaders to influence culture as an emergent property (under no one's control), Agile team culture, and so forth. We come away from Day 4 with a deeper insight into the nature of relationship systems, and some tools for catalyzing relationship intelligence and systemic consciousness to benefit our relationship effectiveness.

Day 5 - On the final day, we dive into empiricism and the Integral Discipline of Evolving Product Innovation. We will explore the nature of experiments and validating hypotheses, as well as engaging in adaptive action (from Human Systems Dynamics) as a method of changing a complex system. Transformation topics include organizational processes and improvement, executive advising, and the notion of practices as embedded knowledge. We come away from Day 5 with a way of pulling all of our learning together into a coherent framework for helping organizations leverage Complexity toward greater performance.

Completion - Two weeks after Day 5, we will have a closing session, which culminates the intensive period of study, reflection and practice, and starts the final period during which you will complete an Integration Project, synthesizing all you have learned within the context of your particular enterprise situation. We come away from the Follow-up with a clear sense of how to use what we’ve learned in our role as Enterprise Transformation Agents.

Who Would Benefit from This Workshop?

  1. Current Enterprise Coaches wishing to extend their skills and presence as transformational leaders, gaining a broader, more systemic picture of organizational agility, and seeing how their own sensemaking can be used to increase the possibility of transformation.

  2. Agile team coaches who wish to expand their competence and self-awareness in the direction of an enterprise coach role, learning the key distinctions needed for enterprise agility, the special function of their own self-development, and realistic expectations for an Agile Transformation.

  3. Organizational Change Agents such as Transformation Leads who wish to gain deeper insight, and develop greater skillfulness, in helping create the leadership and organizational culture needed to fully succeed with organizational agility in an Agile Transformation.

Outcomes from Your Participation

By participating fully in this course, you can expect a significant upgrade in your capacity to leaderfully engage others in transformative change across organizational systems, in the following ways:

  • You will learn and gain facility in key practices of organization development (e.g. systems entry, readiness assessment, change design, etc.) and how to bring about their application within an adaptive frame.

  • You will have immersed yourself in, and have practical ways to integrate, the distinctions and practices of adaptive action at the organizational level, as a way to equip organizations in which you lead with an expanded ability to perform in the face of volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity.

  • You will increase your skillfulness in the arena of relationship, communication, and group dynamics, finding yourself being more effective in your ability to facilitate groups and teams toward increased relationship intelligence and high performance.

  • You will have gained a more expanded vocabulary, through immersion in Integral Theory and Sensemaking, for understanding and more effectively dealing with the kinds of challenges you face as you endeavor to expand agility capability across the enterprise.

  • You will have established a deep community of shared learning, insight and connection from which you will be able to draw support and inspiration for months, if not years, to come.

  • You will experience a significant upgrade in your own inner leadership, which you will be able to readily observe and even measure for yourself. Along the way, you will find yourself with an increasing level of confidence and manifested ability in your leadership,

  • Assuming full participation in all sessions and completion of the case study homework, you will achieve both certifications in the ICAgile Certified Professional Enterprise Coaching for Agility track—Agility in the Enterprise (ICP-ENT) and Coaching Agile Transitions (ICP-CAT).

Virtual Format

This virtual workshop takes place over three consecutive days the first week, and two more days the following week. Most days are mid-morning Eastern Time in US to mid-afternoon, with an hour work period afterwards for ensemble group work on Days 1, 2 and 4. Please plan to be available during all these times. The exact schedule is available on the registration page for the specific course.

With a virtual offering of a transformational workshop such as this, there are certain basic protocols which will assure a safe container, such as each participant having their own video camera, staying fully present during sessions, and scheduling other work to not interrupt class hours.

Cancellation Policy

If you cancel more than three calendar weeks prior to the class, a full refund will be offered. If you cancel within the three week timeframe, refunds will be considered based on circumstances, but not at all during the final week. A cancellation can always be used as a credit for upcoming workshops.

Workshop Leaders

Michael Spayd has been a pioneer in the Agile world for 20 years, bringing in thinking and methods from professional coaching, leadership development (LD), organization development (OD), Integral and systemic methods that are relevant to the transformation of self, culture, and leadership in service of organizational agility. Michael is known as a transformational teacher and leader, with a deep ability to facilitate both compelling and transformational learning environments.

Michael is a serial entrepreneur, having co-founded the Agile Coaching Institute, Trans4mation, and most recently, The Collective Edge. He has taught, coached and mentored several thousand Agile coaches, managers and leaders in his 20 years in the field. He is the coauthor of a highly anticipated book, Agile Transformations: Using the Integral Agile Transformation Framework to Think and Lead Differently, which was published December 2020.


Randolf Speigner In his commitment to human transformation, Randolf co-founded cogrow.space, after two decades of working with leaders, teams and business units in global enterprises, to bring a different voice to enterprise transformation work. As a global citizen, he collaborates with thought leaders in human transformation.

Randolf takes great satisfaction in offering his guidance to practitioners as they realize their full potential and capacity in regenerative transformation. He is committed to design and lead cohorts for teams of leaders and change agents to enable effective change in their organizations.